The puppies are a week old now. WOW! How fast they grow. They are twice the size they were when they were born. Cheyenne is a great mom and has good milk for her pups.
I would like to introduce the Sire of this litter " Martin's Deep South Diamond Jigsaw". He lives and works on his families 800 acre cattle farm in Georgia. I think these are going to be some fine puppies. These puppies will change in color a lot in the next 2 weeks. Both Jigsaw and Cheyenne are UKC registered. A very Special "Thank You" to Oliver and Donna Martin. They knew how bad we wanted these puppies and they did everything they could to help make it happen. They are going fast. If interested please PM me.
In my post back in Febuary I stated that if Cheyenne was meant to have puppies it would be in God's time when and if it were meant to happen. Well Sunday 9/13/2020 was her big day! We were Blessed with 8 beautiful puppies!!! Mom and Babies are doing great! She has 6 boys and 2 girls. We took her back to Georgia in July to "Martin's Deep South" English Shepherd's were she met Diamond Jigsaw a handsome English Shepherd male. The Martin's have wonderful dog's and are such great people. We can't Thank them enough for letting us come and spend the weekend with them. The delivery went great! Cheyenne is such a good MOM! We are so excited this is a new adventure for us. It's one that I hope will continue for a long time. I'm really enjoying this puppy thing. We want to give a special "Thank You" to Kay Delk-Keziah for all her help thru Cheyenne's pregnancy and for helping us deliver these beautiful puppies!! Also, to Oliver and Donna Martin whom with out there wonderful Diamond Jigsaw none of this would have happened. There will more pictures to come soon In a world full of chaos its great to have a ray of sunshine and for us that's Cheyenne. aka "Baby Girl or "Squirt". She did an awesome job today. We worked a group of 15 heifers. We ran them in the chute wormed and vaccinated them. Cheyenne ran everyone of them in and out. They weighted around 400-500 lb. She then did something that I had not let her do. That was to
load heifers that big. She usually always does baby calves. It was a little hard at first to get them started. She had to gather them up and take them up the return alley onto trailer. We had a hiccup or two, but she got them loaded. What was really awesome was the next group that we worked. They were 600 lb bulls!! Baby Girl hadn't done this yet. She was up to the challenge. She's anxious and loves to work. She loaded and unloaded the chute while we vaccinated and wormed. Ok!! Do we let her load? Sure she would have been so disappointed. There's 10 NON-DOG BROKE 600lb BULL'S that have only been on a trailer once when they were 3 months old. Without hesitation she listen's to my commands to "Come around" gather the bulls up and head them to return ally. They circle twice, but after only doing it once before Cheyenne knew where they needed to go. The first bull starts up the ally the rest follow with Cheyenne on there heels. Stacey and I are right behind her, but letting her do the work. They get to the trailer and hesitate not wanting to load. Stacey yells for her to" Load them up" The cattle dog kicks in and in just a few seconds they are on the trailer. She was so proud of herself as were we. She saved us several steps today. She comes from a fine line of cattle dogs. So thankful Kay Keziah did a fine job breeding her English Shepherds and we got to know her and get one of her fine puppies. Thank you Kay for your guidance and expertise in training Cheyenne and I. I'm sure I was the worst student. LoL I almost forgot. After the bulls are loaded Cheyenne knows we are moving the trailer. She loads bulls and runs to truck door. Stacey lets her in I go and open gates. I'm not letting her get inside trailer to unload bulls that big. WE open trailer doors She's hanging out window barking away. She did her job she's satisfied. Then its off to the water trough to cool off. I thought with everything that's going on I would give an update. Something pleasant to think
about. Cheyenne is doing good. She's stopped toting the toy like a puppy. I got to thinking the other day ( Stacey say's that dangerous). lol I was thinking about all that is going on in the world and how uncertain things are. It occured to me that God always know's best. When Cheyenne didn't have the puppies I was greatly disappointed. Thankful that she was ok, but disappointed none the less. HE knew I couldn't handle the puppies right now. They would have been 5 weeks old now and there new families would want to see them and in 8 weeks take them to their furever homes. With all the shelter in place and no one flying it would have been really hard to get them and for us to have kept them thru planting season. We weren't the only ones disappointed there were also the puppy buyers who were waiting patiently. GOD always knows what's best for us. Even though we don't always know ourselves. If its meant to be. In God's time she will have puppies if not. I'm fine with that. I trust HIS decisions and HIS plan. One of my favorite bible verse is " Be Still and Know I'm GOD" I think now is a good time to stop be still and get to know GOD. I also want to Thank everyone for your kind comments and concerns. Please be careful and stay safe thru all of this. Prayers to all, Lawana It is with a heavy and broken heart that I write this post. I was so hoping for a different outcome. At some point Cheyenne lost her puppies. Last sunday a week ago things didn't guite seem right. We stayed with her she was super clingy. Her body was telling her she needed to be
having puppies, but there were none to have. We stayed with her all week watching over her. Kay Delk-Keziah even came up and stayed with her a couple of nights. We were so worried. Although she keep doing things that made us think she was ok. She had milk and looked bred the vet on friday thought he heard heartbeats. In his defense he is strictly a large animal vet and the "Best one I know". A week went by and it wasn't looking good. Yesterday we went to the vet and they confirmed what we all knew deep down. NO PUPPIES!!!! I cried it was awful. It was just not meant to be. The most important thing is that Cheyenne is good. She just hit a bump in the road and hopefully if we decide to she can be bred again. Ive got to get over this one first. As I write this she is laying on her serta bed resting. Her hormones are still in puppy mode. The vet said she was definitely bred. She just lost them before their little bones calcified at 45 days. Things could have been alot worse. We could have lost her or had to do a cesarean. God is Good!! He is in control and it just wasn't meant to be this time. Blessings to all, Lawana . I started this website talking about this adventure we are on with Cheyenne. She has brought a bright spot in our lives that a lot of people might not understand. When you have devoted your entire life to milking cows and raising crops. Fighting things that you can't control like the weather, milk prices, grain prices etc. It gets frustrating. We went for 11 years and never took a day off, much less a vacation. In 2000 we started hiring help and taking a little time here and there. The last 5 years we have been fortunate to be able to get every other weekend and some nights off that has been GREAT!!! So thankful for all our help over the years. We have had wonderful employees. When you do nothing but work all the time. Something as simple as trialing and working a dog does wonders for your mental and physical well being. We have met so many wonderful people at trials and clinics. Getting Cheyenne bred was an adventure all in its self. It took 2 trips to Toccoa Georgia. Its a long story, but God definitely had His hand in it. We met "The Martin's. Oliver and Donna Martin who graciously let us bred to there fine english shepherd WAYLON. Here is a picture of Waylon he is so handsome. He lives with his family on an 800 acre cattle farm in Georgia. He loves working cattle and is such a sweetheart. Him and Cheyenne should have some colorful hard working puppies. Waylon is registered with the English Shepherd Society and getting his UKC registration. I will post his pedigree along with Cheyenne's next week.
I would like to give a special "Thank You" to some amazing people who have made this all possible. Kay Delk-Keziah who without her great breeding practices and herding skills and putting up with me the last 2.5 years none of this would have been possible. I have always had dogs, but never got to work with them much less bred them. Its been a passion for a long time now its a reality. I would also like to give a special "Thank You" to the Martin's. You did'nt know us. Yet through our mutual Faith we came together and made it happen. Ashlyn Hunt a big Thank You for all your work on the computer hunting potential sires. I hope you can come for a puppy photo shoot. While I post this Stacey and Cheyenne are sitting in the recliner watching television and waiting on puppies. I hope to be able to post puppy pictures soon. If anyone is interested in a puppy please contact us. Information on website. Blessing's to all. Lawana Some of you have asked me about farm Life. Gosh!! Where to start. Its hard and demanding. Its also rewarding not necessarily financially, but that's not everything either. Its a way of life. Its all we have ever known. I cant remember not being responsible for feeding and taking care of some type of livestock. Farming becomes your life. Its a beautiful sunset a new born calf. The first crops of the season. It also has disappointments when you work hard and the rain doesn't come or the calf you tried so hard to save doesn't make. All these things make you stronger. It
takes a lot of Faith to Farm. You cant control much of anything. Make your decisions the best you can and leave the rest to the Lord. Last week was hard. We sold a cow that was 12 years old. That's old for a dairy cow. She was a good girl. It just comes a time when you have to let them go. Some are harder than other because they have a personality and have become pets. We take care of all the girls. We have a great support team. A great veterinarian, nutritionists and mating service. They all help us keep them happy and healthy. How may people have a nutritionist's? WE DON'T!!! but our girls do. They have a complex digestive system. Their ration needs to be balanced for them to produce milk and be healthy. They also see the vet more than we see a doctor. The vet did a minor surgery on a cow last week. She's doing great. While he was here he listened to Cheyenne's tummy. Their was Heartbeats!!! She is due around the 16 of febuary. We have the basement all fixed up waiting on there arrival. I think Farming helps to bring you closer to GOD. With HIS Blessings you are helping to take care of HIS Creations. Last week Cheyenne got a chance to do her favorite job. loading and unloading calves.
As the calves grow and are weaned we take them out of the baby barn and move them to a group barn. There they receive their vaccinations and worming. Cheyenne's job is to first load them onto the stock trailer. We put the trailer at the end of the barn. I open the gate for her and tell her to come around. She eases by the calves and gets them grouped up and headed toward the trailer. These are 21 calves between 70-90 days old (non dog broke). She is excited the calves are nervous and try to break and run. Cheyenne holds her ground. The calves quickly figure out they only have one choice. That is to load. They are on the trailer. Stacey takes the truck to group barn. Cheyenne and I follow on the gator. We let her in the trailer thru the side door in just a few minutes all calves are off the trailer. We got one proud girl. You can tell by her walk. lol Cheyenne update
Cheyenne is doing great. We are 99.9% sure she is bred. A little morning sickness. Changes in appetite and sleeping more. She is still doing her barn chores. We are half way thru her pregnancy. We will be setting up a nursery soon. A little excited!! We have'nt had a litter of puppies in 28 years. We just hope and pray all goes well in this new adventure we are on. |
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